Learn What Are The Differences Between Mice and Rats and how to Get Rid of Them


Mice and rats are both rodents, but they are different creatures. Mice and rats may not only look different, but they’re unalike behaviorally, too. If you find yourself in need of a rat vs. mouse comparison so you can learn how to get rid of them, then this article is for you!

What Is The Difference Between Rats and Mice?

Many people get rats and mice confused. Although they look similar to many, they are different species and can be quite different once you know the common differences between rats and mice.


The term “rat” describes any medium-sized rodent with a long, thin tail. A lot of rodents are classified as rats. Norway rats and roof rats (black rats) are typically found in Greater Houston.


Meanwhile, the term “mouse” describes any tiny, tin-tailed rodent about the size of a sparrow. Similar to rats, mice appear in many forms. Field mice, house mice, and deer mice are the typical mice seen by homeowners within the Greater Houston area.

Physical Differences Between Mice and Rats:

While sometimes similar in appearance, rats and mice share distinct differences.

Juvenile rats, to begin with, are often mistaken for mice until they evidently grow into significantly larger rodents.

Typically, a rat’s growth ceases at a body length of eight inches and a tail length of nine inches. They weigh an average of one pound. Mice rarely achieve a body or tail length over three inches.

Quick Physical Differences Between Mice & Rats

  • Mice are often more brown than rats, and they have darker-toned bellies.
  • While a rat’s tail normally carries black, scaled rings, a mouse’s tail is smooth.
  • A rat’s feet, too, are longer than a mouse’s, as are its ears.

Behavioral Differences

Rats and mice share quite a few behavioral differences. In most cases, mice share curiosity traits not owned by rats. Rats, frequently, are more cautious than mice. Additionally, a rat’s behavior is typically avoidant of new items placed in the rat’s path. Mice who are investigative are more likely to be bold. Because of this, mice are easier to trap than rats.

Learn more about the types of rodents in Texas!

Diet and Living Differences

While both mice and rats have varied diets, a mouse is more likely to feed on plants and grains. Mice are more likely to build nests in hidden areas near food sources, too, while rats are typically more “nomadic” in achieving dietary goals, burrowing under buildings, under plants, and along fences.

A female rat can carry up to six liters of 12 infants yearly. With a lifespan of about one to one and one-half years, a rat’s reproductive season is often springtime. While producing about the same amount of offspring and in the same season, mice benefit from an early reproductive age. A mouse often begins reproducing at around six weeks, while a rat reproduces at around three months.

Most Common Rodents in the Houston Area

Before we get into the best ways to prevent and get rid of rodents, let’s talk about the most common rodents found in the Houston area. Rodents are common to our locale, especially during winter when these animals seek food and warmth. As evidence of our city’s rodent population, Houston landed #20 on the list of Rattiest Cities in America in 2017. Yikes! Here are the most common rodents that frequent homes and businesses here in the Houston area and a description of what they look like:

  • Deer mice have short bodies, brown fur, and small ears.
  • House mice have even smaller bodies than deer mice and are typically brown.
  • Roof rats are about a foot long and have black bodies and long tails.
  • Norwegian rats: These are even larger than roof rats, are typically lighter in color, and have shorter tails.

Why Rodents Are Dangerous

Rodents can pose a great threat to your family, pets, and the condition of your home. They’re not only cringe-worthy because they’re a wild animal invading your home, but they’re also dangerous. Here’s why: 

  • They spread disease: Rodents spread diseases through their feces, urine, and sometimes even hair, which can contaminate your food. When they invade your home, they can also spread bacteria and harmful diseases, like Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and rat-bite fever. Since rodent-borne diseases are serious and even sometimes life-threatening, you certainly don’t want these pests roaming your home freely. 
  • They damage your home: Rodents aren’t only unsanitary and dangerous to your health, but they can also cause structural damage to your home and belongings. These nuisance pests can ruin your furniture, floors, drawers, insulation, and more. They’re also notorious for chewing through wiring, so if you notice electrical problems in your home without reason, they could be the cause.
  • They create a fire risk: If rodents want to chew through your wires, there is nothing stopping them. Because they can easily chew through electrical cords, they pose a serious fire risk. You do not want your family or home exposed to these open wires!

Easy Ways to Keep Rodents Out of Your Home

  • Seal up holes and cracks in your home’s foundation: Eliminating entry points in your home is the first step in preventing rodent infestations altogether. After all, if they don’t have an easy way to get in, they may never. Mice can enter your home through extremely small spaces -- in openings as small as a dime. Be sure to inspect your home's perimeter and seal up holes and cracks where they could get in.
  • Good home sanitation: Keeping your home clean and sanitized is the best way to keep rodents from being drawn to your home over your neighbors. Properly seal your food, keep waste tightly secured with garbage can lids, and make sure to clean crumbs on your counters and floors regularly. Don’t provide free meals for these critters!
  • Ultrasonic sound box: Simply plug into an outlet and repel rodents, roaches, and insects! Its ultrasonic waves emit high-frequency sounds. These sounds then attack the rodents' tiny auditory and nervous systems, discouraging them from entering your home. While these sound boxes are not dangerous to the human or pet ear, they are subtle enough to drive rodents out of your home. That’s what we call a win-win!
  • Set mouse traps: If you suspect your home is also home to mice, mouse traps can be a simple and affordable solution for small infestations. Set them along the wall and dispose of the mouse promptly after it’s trapped. Use mouse traps with caution, though, because setting out a food source might attract them more than keeping them out. 

Turn to The Experts for Rodent Removal

If you’re dealing with a full-blown rodent infestation, do-it-yourself methods usually won’t cut it. If you notice a rodent in your home, there’s a good chance there isn’t just one. Let the experts at EnviroCon help keep your home safe with our professional rodent removal services. We’ve been protecting homes in the greater Houston area for decades and are proud to offer family and eco-friendly treatment options to eliminate rodents once and for all.  We use multiple methods to ensure that our rodent removal services in greater Houston are successful!

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